kelly ramos
full-stack web developer
MERN stack
i'm a market research analyst
turned developer.
let's translate the
voice of the customer

WiSE (Women in STEM Education), a full-stack learn-play app, combines a flashcard-style study area with game and discussion forum components focusing on women's historical accomplishments in the STEM fields.

react.js    mongoDB    mongoose    express    node.js    axios    token-based authentication

O.P. VetFest is a collaborative project with a V School instructor and Stage 2 developers; the app will provide registration, booth selection and payment capabilities for an annual event hosted by O.P. Veteran. My contributions include a state dropdown menu, form validation, and form edit functionality.

react.js    firebase    shopify      

Rock the Vote (RTV) is a full-stack app that provides a political issues forum where users can add/edit/delete their own issues, comment on other users' issues, as well as upvote and downvote on all posted issues.

react.js    mongoDB    mongoose    express    node.js    axios    token-based authentication
builder, problem-solver, collaborator
What I love about building for the web is the intersection of the analytical with the creative.

I am a persistent problem-solver with a growth
mindset, who enjoys collaboration and the way
tech naturally emphasizes lifelong learning.

let's connect.